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Have you ever wondered what your cab driver can do for you?

It is with great satisfaction that we inform you that thanks to the actions of our company and the interventions of our drivers, many lives have been saved over the past dozen or so years. Almost every day, somewhere on the streets of Warsaw, an ELE TAXI driver intervenes for a good cause; bringing selfless help.
We are the only one in the world to use the potential of a cab corporation to help those affected by emergencies on the road. We assumed that the cab profession provides some unique opportunities that can be used for a good cause. Moving constantly through the streets of the city, a group of 1,000 interconnected driver-rescuers, thanks to the use of the latest technology, is a kind of “forpost” of the emergency service. Often human life is decided by minutes or seconds. These are the moments that our emergency drivers are often the first to arrive….
We have trained and continue to train drivers so that in life-threatening situations they are able to professionally provide first pre-medical aid. All ELE TAXI drivers have completed a basic first aid course in Road Rescue.
From a group of more than 1,000 basic-trained drivers, an additional group has emerged, which is constantly deepening its knowledge in this field at Qualified First Aid courses. . These courses are always completed with a state exam, and the drivers receive the appropriate certificates and titles of First Aid Road Rescuers.
We have equipped the cabs of driver-rescuers (after completing the First Aid course) with professional equipment for saving human lives; these are AED defibrillators and R0 first aid kits.
Our activities have been recognized by the Partnership for Road Safety Association.
One of the projects in which ELE TAXI rescuers are immensely involved is the educational campaign conducted in kindergartens and schools called “Ele Taxi to Children.” During these classes, children learn, among other things: how to safely administer first aid, how resuscitation (artificial respiration) is performed, how to properly make a bandage, how to call for help, or how to secure the scene.